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GeoBlacklight Quick Start

This guide covers the quickest way to get up and running with GeoBlacklight, including:

  • How to create a new application.
  • How to add and index geospatial content.

Required dependencies

Before getting started, make sure you have installed the required dependencies listed on the Developers page. You will also need the Ruby on Rails CLI installed for the rails new command:

gem install rails

Creating a new GeoBlacklight application

Bootstrap a new GeoBlacklight application using the template script, replacing app-name with the name of your new application:

rails new app-name -m -a propshaft --css bootstrap --js rollup

Then run the geoblacklight:server rake task to run the application:

cd app-name # replace with your app's name
bundle exec rake geoblacklight:server

Using importmaps for JavaScript

The default GeoBlacklight template uses Vite to bundle the application's JavaScript. If you would prefer to use Rails's default of importmaps, you can set --js importmap when generating your application:

rails new app-name -m -a propshaft --css bootstrap --js importmap

Index Example Data

With your Solr server and Rails server already running (via the geoblacklight:server rake task above), open a new terminal window and index the GeoBlacklight project's test fixtures via:

bundle exec rake "geoblacklight:index:seed[:remote]"